Our Nutrition Philosophy
The Healthy U Approach
Small changes to empower you with the skills that will foster a lifetime of health & wellbeing.
We've taken 'restart' out of our vocabulary because it is amazing what can be achieved with simple changes to your lifestyle routine.
Establishing a healthy foundation to begin your weight management journey, gradually integrating more advanced lifestyle changes to support meaningful, sustained change.
Our range of virtual programming, 1:1 dietitian services, and kitchen essentials supports dedicated to all stages of your weight management journey.
We recognize that there is no one size fits all approach, and instead we work with our clients using a flexible range of services that best fit the needs, goals and preferences of our clients.

Small foundational changes that make a big impact,
Eat meals and snacks at the right times throughout the day
Substitute healthy ingredients from your existing menu
Balance meals and snacks with multiple food groups
Guide healthier choices leveraging your food labels
Create a healthy grocery store routine
Then introduce advanced lifestyle changes, evolving with your weight management journey!
Develop culinary and behavioural skills that encourage homemade meals
Tailor meal planning and food literacy to specific health needs
Identify healthy food choices outside the home
Learn and consume healthy portions
Implement clinical recommendations